Vereniging Negeriku

About Us

NEGERIKU is an organization that, as its name implies, wants to focus its programs around Negeriku Indonesia. This institution has the goal of promoting Indonesia from all aspects, in particular, aspects of tourism related to natural beauty, rich customs, culinary riches, community hospitality and aspects of cultural products produced by the community. This institution is based in the Netherlands and its promotion targets are people in the Netherlands in particular and Europe in general.


To be the first and foremost organization in promoting Indonesian tourism and Indonesian MSME products, especially in the Netherlands and Europe in general


Collaborating with all parties in the Netherlands and other European countries (the Indonesian Embassy and ASPINA) and all parties in Indonesia (Ministry of Villages, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs, Ministry of BUMN, BUMN, Provincial Governments, City/Regency Governments, and parties Private) in promoting Village Tourism and Village MSME Products to the Netherlands and other European countries in the form of special village exhibitions, joint exhibitions and other forms of promotion.

Board of Directors

Abdul Latif Gau



Fahad Attamimi



Board of Executives

Myra Sari



Emelia Evabranti Lestari
